VEX Online Challenges are hosted by Robotics Education & Competition Foundation, which offers an online challenge for STEAM students. Participants expand on STEAM skills, stay engaged with their teams, and showcase their work through various online challenges submission topics, building valuable workforce readiness skills like time management, project management, research, CAD design, graphic design, video production, documentation, etc. community engagement.

Eligible for submission:
Only one entry per team is permitted to submit for each different challenge. Each team in a multi-team school or club can submit one entry for the same challenge.
1st: $500 VEX Robotics gift certificate and automatic team qualification for this season’s VEX Robotics World Championship.
4 Finalists: $100 VEX Robotics gift certificate
Girl Powered Online Challenge Sponsored by Google – 2022 challenges.
Grade level: Elementary school. Middle school. High school.
Challenge details for Elementary school:
Challenge details for Middle school:
Challenge details for High school:
Your submission should be created using a combination of imagery and supporting text. Which included how to make Girl Powered reflect in your robotics, and team members try various roles on the team and express what they learn from this experience. The format is a PDF file and included 500-1500 Words.

Career Readiness Online Challenge-2022 Challenges.
Grade Level: Elementary School. Middle school. High school.
Challenge details for Elementary school:
Challenge details for Middle school:
Challenge details for High school:
Rules and requirements:
Your submission uses a combination of text and images to identify a specific career or company and needs to include which STEM career or company you select and the reason. You still need to express how to apply the engineering design process and method to benefit your future career path. The format is a PDF file and included 500-1500 Words.

Promote Online Challenge Sponsored by VEX Robotics-2022 Challenges
Grade Level: Elementary school. Middle school. High school. College/ University.
Challenge details for Elementary school:
Challenge details for Middle school:
Challenge details for High school:
Your submission is a video of up to 2 minutes, which should be included your team, program and competition, and your design and how to process robots.
Reverse Engineering Online Challenge-2022 Challenges
Grade Level: Elementary school. Middle school. High school. College/ University.
Challenge details for Elementary school:
Challenge details for Middle school:
Challenge details for High school:
Your submission should use a combination of text and images to document and describe what you find inside an electronic device. The text also expresses what did you learn from exploring your electronic device. The format is a PDF file and included 500-1500 Words.

“Make It Real” CAD Engineering Online Challenge Sponsored by Autodesk-2022 Challenges
Grade Level: Middle school. High school. College/ University.
Challenge details for Middle school:
Challenge details for High school:
Design and create a new robot competent, using Autodesk 3D design software used by professionals to conceptualize and model a new part for a robot. Your submission should be included which version of Autodesk design software did you use. The format is a PDF that includes a final report and at least one image of the design is required. And CAD dataset in .f3d, .ipt or .jam, or stl.You also need to use videos, animations, simulations, or other additions that explain your design decisions. Summary 1000 words.
STEM Research Project: Biomimicry in Engineering-2022 Challenge
Grade Level: Elementary school. Middle school.
Challenge details for Elementary school:
Challenge details for Middle school:
Your submission needs to use a video of up to 4 minutes, which Uses the Engineering design process to imagine or create a prototype solution that incorporates a feature that mimics something about a plant or animal. Organize your project and a summary of your research, and present it all in a video. Tell us the current problems and solutions that exist.
Poster Design Online Challenge-2022 Challenges
Grade Level: Elementary School. Middle school. High school. College/University.
Challenge details for Elementary school:
Challenge details for Middle school:
Challenge details for High school:
Your submission combination of words and imagery as a poster. All posters can be created digitally or created on paper and scanned or photographed. Any images used in your signature must be original artwork. They require one embodiment in PDF, JPG, or PNG format up to 20MB. And the image should be 18x24, with a minimum resolution of 300dpi.
Theme It Up! Online Challenge-2022Challenge
Grade Level: Elementary School. Middle school. High school. College/ University.
Challenge details for Elementary school:
Challenge details for Middle school:
Challenge details for High school:
Your submission will consist of a theme “unveil” video and a PDF file that includes a storyboard, images, and text. The video can introduce the game and your music and should consist of a combination of narration and visuals that describe basic rules and interactions. The PDF should include a storyboard, descriptive text about how your theme connects game & field objects, directions and on-field interactions, and sketches, drawings, or photos of a game field transformed.
International Robotics Honor Society Service Award-2022 challenge
Grade Level: High school
Challenge detail for High school:
Your submission should be created using Book Creator or Google sites, and include a combination of imagery, videos, photography, drawings, screen captures, and text. Which included the focus of your service-learning project, and why did the chapter select it? The format is one link to a digital portfolio created in Book Creator or Google sites. Also, need to school administrator sign a statement for verified the successful completion.

VRC and VEX U Community Online Challenge Sponsored by Google-2022 challenge
Grade Level: Middle school, High school, College/ University.
Challenge details for Middle/ High school:
Your submission should include what skills, knowledge, and resources do your team share with the community? What skills from participating in robotics? Which problem did your team solve? The format is one link video file up to 3 minutes.
